May 28, 2023

Church Business Meeting

Following morning service next Sunday morning, we will have a special business meeting concerning the possible sale of the a portion of our land. Voting members are encouraged to attend.

Vacation Bible School

Victory will host a VBS on June 26th-June 29th from 9am-noon each day. This is a free event open to kids ages 5-12. You can register your kids HERE.

Retirement Party

On Saturday at 2pm, we will celebrate Mike Newlon’s retirement from the US Air Force. All are invited to attend.

Church Picnic, May 28th

You’re invited to a church picnic on May 28th. Hotdogs, hamburgers, condiments and bottled water provided. Sign up to bring chips, brownies, fixings or watermelon.

Do You Need Prayer?

Let us pray with you.

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