July 7, 2024

Amazing Grays Diaper Drive

At the upcoming Amazing Grays Senior Adult lunch on July 15th, the seniors will be hosting a diaper and wipes drive for Horizon pregnancy center.  For those 50+, you are invited to come to the potluck lunch and bring some diapers or wipes to donate.  If you are not a part of the Amazing Grays ministry, but would like to donate, you can drop off your donation on Sunday July 7th or 14th at church.

Pastor Jared’s Appreciation

Into The Wild- VBS

July 22-25, 9am-noon. Ages 5-12. This is a free event, but you must register to attend. You can click the picture for registrations or you can click here.

Business Meeting

Youth News

July 31
July 14

Do You Need Prayer?

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